The Project, reaching its midterm during these months, had its first exploitation related meeting in Zaragoza (Inycom premises), to start designing and defining which will be the key exploitation results of the Project.

The workshop meeting between the partners of the Project (FHA, IHT, VITO, IFAM-Fraunhofer, IAEW RWTH Aachen and Inycom), assisted by META Group, was held last Tuesday 28th of March in Zaragoza.

This exploitation seminar was organized within the framework of the Common Exploitation Booster. Project ELYNTEGRATION was proposed as a beneficiary of this support service which is facilitated by European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, and implemented by external consultants (META Group).


This meeting is considered by the partners as ELYNTEGRATION’s starting point of the Exploitation activities in the Project, which will be also presented to the public in a document showing ELYNTEGRATION’s first strategy plan for commercial exploitation of results.

This document will be shared within the third quarter of 2017 in elyntegrations webpage downloads section.